About Alumni

The primary goal of the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations is to foster increased alumni and parent engagement and encourage support of Notre Dame de Namur University through service, leadership, advocacy and philanthropy.

The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations offers numerous opportunities ranging from Homecoming and sporting events, to class reunions, on-campus lectures, social and regional events, and immersive travel opportunities.

NDNU Alumni NetCommunity

The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations serves all NDNU alumni and family members of current students helping them stay connected with each other and with the University. Alumni have access to the NDNU Alumni NetCommunity, private NDNU alumni social media group sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, which enables them to network with fellow alumni, find classmates, recommend colleagues or search for a new job.

NDNU Alumni Email

Through NDNU Alumni NetCommunity you will have a free alumni web-based e-mail that will allow you to stay in touch with your fellow classmates and the university. This two-way communication will allow you to engage with others on NetCommunity, access the Alumni Directory, and ask questions or send updates directly to the Office of Alumni & Parent Relations.